Thursday 22 May 2014

Vocal profile of Nicki Minaj

Lowest note:C#3
Highest belt: Eb5
Highest note: F5(screamed F#5)
Exclamation: C#6
Vocal range: 2 octaves 2 notes
Vocal type: Mezzo-soprano
Vocal grade: C

Vocal positives:
Although classified as a rapper, she has the ability to belt notes in the fifth octave and carry a basic tune. Her low notes(C#3-E3) are well supported and somewhat smokey in texture. She also possesses the ability to change from a thick and heavy timbre to a light one. Her mid-range(A3-F#4) is solid and is her strongest range.

Vocal negatives:
Her belts gets thinner from C#5 onwards and are weak. She struggles at basic belts such as G#4 live, often depending on layered tracks when she does not rap.

View her vocal range here:

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