Wednesday 14 May 2014

Vocal profile of Mariah Carey

Lowest note: G2(forced Eb2)
Highest belt: A5(screamed Bb5 before)
Highest note: B7
Exclamation: C#8
Vocal range: 5 octaves 2 notes
Vocal type: Coloratura lyric Soprano
Vocal grade: A+

Vocal positives:
She has shown to be able to go from the fifth octave to an airy whisper within the space of one word. Being a soprano, she has an unusual ability to reach the second octave. Her low notes are dark and heavy with a somewhat smokey texture to them. Her belts (G4-A5) are where she shines. Her head voice and whistle register are easily accessible. She has shown a unique ability to mouth words in the sixth octave.

Vocal negatives:
As she has aged, she is seen having difficulty accessing notes in the sixth and seventh octave. She has been lowering her larynx for notes below B2 which is a technique that could damage her voice. Her belts are now a hit or miss live because of some unintentional voice cracks. Her belts are not as solid as before and her notes get thinner after E5(due to vocal nodules)

View Mariah's vocal range here:

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