Sunday 18 May 2014

Song review: Call It Whatever by Bella Thorne

At long last! Bella Thorne, star of Shake It Up on Disney Channel has released her lead single 'Call It Whatever'. As expected, her song is filled with autotune albeit the catchy lyrics and groovy beats.

I am a little disappointed by the song though, because it seems like the song only interests children 13 years old and below, and even then, it does not seem like a hit to me - with weak lyrics and repetitive beats, it seems to be forgettable.

Nevertheless, I give some credit to the fact Bella Thorne's singing skills have improved vastly(she takes singing lessons now) and hopefully her full length album will be better than this song.

Vocals: B-
Lyrics: A-
Overall: B

View her music(audio) here:

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